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Stress-Free Selling: Home Staging

Recently, we began a blog series titled Stress-Free Selling. In our first post, we covered the benefits of having a pre-listing home inspection done before you list your home for sale. In today’s post, we’re going to cover way to remove some of the stress from selling a home: Home Staging. photo-75485-1900

Now, many of you have heard of home staging, and right now you may be picturing spending thousands of dollars on bringing in professional designers to give your home a makeover just so that you can turn around and sell it. But that’s not the case at all! If you’re selling a townhouse in Lititz or Mount Joy, a single family home in Manheim Township or Eastern Lancaster County, there are affordable staging options for you that can make a huge difference in the saleability of your home.

What is staging?

Staging simply means to arrange your home in manner that would appeal to the largest number of home buyers. This often done by re-arranging furniture, de-cluttering, and making your home appear move-in ready.

How does staging benefit me – the seller?

Appeal to more buyers. In the very definition, we told you that the purpose of staging is to appeal to the largest number of home buyers possible. By making your home as desirable as possible, you will increase the number of home buyers who view your home, and ultimately have interest in your home. Increasing the amount of interest in your home is your ultimate goal when selling, as the more interest you have the more offers you are likely to get.

Outshine the competition. By staging your home to appeal to buyers, you will stand out among other homes on the market. The typical home buyer views several homes before deciding on which one they’d like to make an offer on, so you want to make yours stand out as much as possible. This way, buyers will remember your home among all the rest, and ultimately decide yours is the one they want to put an offer in on.

Get top dollar. In order to get top dollar for your home, it needs to look top notch, and have plenty of buyer interest. By staging your home so that it looks it’s best, you are doing both of these items at once! Your home will look top notch – therefore have a high level of interest – therefore will be able to demand top dollar!

How do I stage my home?

It’s important to look at your home as a product of a market (an item for sale) similar to the way you’d look at an item you’re considering buying in a store. Try to remove your emotion from the situation and look at things as objectively as possible. Consider these tips when staging your home to prepare to sell:

De-personalize. Remove all personal items, family photos, names on the walls and artwork, child’s drawings on the refrigerator, etc.

Maximize space. Remove as much as possible from closets, cabinets, and rooms. You want storage areas and rooms to look spacious and easy to use. Make sure furniture is arranged in a way that makes sense, and makes rooms easy to walk through. De-clutter the entire house as much as possible.

Clean and sanitize. Make sure all rooms are as clean as possible at all times. Clean inside and out of appliances, cabinets, etc.

Modernize. Update light fixtures, cabinet pulls, flooring, etc. Removing dated items from the home makes it appeal to more buyers.

Neutrailze. Remove wallpaper, choose neutral paint colors, and remove any items that show personal affiliations (sports, political, religious, etc.)

Again, keep in mind the goal is to appeal to as many buyers as possible. You want buyers viewing your home to be able to picture themselves living there, and some buyers cannot look past personal effects and cosmetic items.

Thanks to Judy Sites with Stage It 2 Sell It for helping us compile this list of home-staging tips! Visit her site here for more info or to contact Judy directly.

Keep checking back for more in our stress-free selling series in the weeks to come!












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