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Meet the Team: Erica Emig

Erica Emig

Position: Contract Manager, Administrative Assistantee

Start Date with the Team: September 2015

Background: Born and raised in Lancaster, PA. Graduated from JP McCaskey, went to YTI for medical assisting and worked in that field for 8 years before joining the team. Married and have a son, 10, and daughter, 6.

Personal hobbies/interests: Spending time with my family, attending my son’s soccer games, taking time out with my husband, exploring new things, and the beach!

Why Real Estate? Wanted a change from the medical field and chose to come to The Craig Hartranft Team because I heard nothing but great things about Craig and the team. Upon meeting everyone, they lived up to all that I heard!

Favorite thing about working in real estate: Nothing is ever the same. Each transaction is different. I love getting the chance to work closely with clients.

Favorite thing about being a part of The Craig Hartranft Team: I truly work with a great group of people. We are not your ordinary team and we are led by a great leader.

Craziest thing that’s happened to you while working at CHT: When I first started working with the team, a lamp appeared on my desk. It was just an ordinary lamp, it was the leg lamp from “A Christmas Story” the movie. I couldn’t figure out who the prankster was until they finally came clean. It was a good ice breaker – welcome to the team!

Who/what has had the biggest impact on your life? My husband. He works so hard for everything we have and only gets a few days off work a month. He has stuck by me through thick and thin, taught me to live life for today and to love harder! I wouldn’t trade him for the world.





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