On Friday we shared a list of the first day of school for most of the schools here in Lancaster. For some, it’s hard to believe the school year is already here! Others have been counting down the days until the kids are back in the classroom. No matter which camp you fall in to, here are a few tips that will hopefully the start of the school year go smoothly for your family.
Get the kids to bed early. Summer is often a time of relaxed schedules, including bed time. To get kids ready to be back in the swing, get them going to bed early. A full night sleep can make a huge difference in their day!
Communicate with teachers and school. Make sure your kids school and teachers know anything unique they may need to about your child. Communicate to make sure your kids have the supplies they need to start the year off right!
Provide healthy meals. Getting the day started with a balanced, healthy breakfast can give your children the fuel they need to start their day on the right foot. It can sometimes be hard to control, but try to help kids make good, balanced lunch choices as well so they can maintain their energy through the school day.
Prepare a study area. These days, kids as young as kindergarten age have at least a small amount of homework to do in the evenings. Think about where your kids will spend their time learning at home. Try to provide even a small area where kids can work free of distractions and noise.
The school year can be filled with many emotions and challenges. We hope these tips help your family the school year off to a great start!