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Four Additions that will transform your home

Four Additions That Will Transform Your Home

Four Additions that Will Transform Your Home

You’ve got a problem: you love your house; you just don’t love its lack of space. Moving isn’t an option because, well, you love your home. So what should you do when the status quo stops cutting it? You add on.

As your life changes, so too do your needs. When it comes to your home, the biggest need is often more space. Perhaps your kitchen is too small. Or maybe your family has more people than your home has bedrooms. Whatever the case may be, building an addition is often the most effective and affordable solution.

Before we jump into our discussion, we’d be remiss if we didn’t bring up a few important details you need to consider. First, while it might sound obvious, you need to take stock of what you want in the addition. Think about the features that absolutely must be included and those you’re willing to cut if you can’t afford them. To this point, it’s a good idea to talk to a realtor to get a better sense of how much value the addition will add to your home and set your budget accordingly. You don’t want to make the mistake of overspending on a room and pricing your home outside market value.

Second, you need to make sure your addition clears any applicable legal restrictions. Familiarize yourself with local building codes and, if applicable, HOA restrictions before moving forward.

Lastly, building an addition is a messy, labor-intensive project. If you’re not comfortable with a little chaos, a lot of noise, and the possibility that your project could take longer than you expect, you might want to reconsider your options.

And while the number of different types of additions are endless, here four of the most popular:

1. Solve Your Kitchen Conundrum

You don’t have to be a foodie to appreciate the benefits of a larger kitchen. All it takes is cooking a holiday dinner in a cramped galley kitchen to know that you need a bigger kitchen. Whether you’re looking to increase your cooking space, boost your storage options, or transform the space into the center of your home’s universe, a kitchen addition is one of the most impactful remodeling projects you can tackle. No wonder that it’s one of the most popular home improvement projects.

2. Personal Oasis

While they’re not the most common addition, sunrooms are a great way to increase livable space, while creating a relaxing, multi-functional room that can be used throughout the year. Run HVAC to your sunroom and you’ll have a room that let’s you get some sun in the winter and beat the heat during the summer.

3. Pop the Top

If you own a single story home and need more room, there’s only so much you can do to increase your livable space. One of the most effective, though certainly not the cheapest solutions, is to turn your one-story home into a two-story home. Adding a second story is a great solution provided your home is structurally sound enough to support the addition. The costs involved are steep, but often less expensive than moving to a larger home. We recommend talking to a realtor to get a clear idea of how much value your addition will add to your home.

4. Get Your Garage

Garages are great when you can actually park in them. Problem is many aren’t big enough to accommodate all your stuff and your car, especially if you own an older home. And that’s if you even have a garage. Adding a garage, or expanding your existing one, not only gives you much-needed, functional space, it can also boost your home’s value. Just be sure to check with your local zoning department to ensure your addition conforms to zoning restrictions.

Adding It Up

It goes without saying that building an addition is no small task. It’s a huge undertaking that involves a few big decisions and many, many small ones. That said, it’s one of the most gratifying home improvement projects you can tackle. If it’s done right, you’ll add a good deal of value to your home, while vastly improving comfort and livability.

For more information, contact 717-560-5051 or visit !

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