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5 Tips for Your Bathroom Remodel

Thinking about a bathroom remodel in your future? As with any major home renovation, it’s best to have a plan laid out before starting a project. We’ve got a list of 5 things to consider when planning your new bathroom, to help avoid mistakes for yourself and potential future buyers, when it comes time to sell.

Plan your lighting early on. Often, lighting seems like a finishing touch on a room and is therefore typically the last piece people consider. Bathroom lighting, however, should be planned early in the process. Most people get ready for their day in the bathroom which makes having the right light essential. Make sure the lights you choose won’t cast shadows or leave dark spots throughout the room. Do you need a light about your toilet or shower? What type of lighting do you prefer above your sink and mirror?

Space and layout. Carefully consider your spacing and layout of your bathroom. Seems simple enough, but you want to make sure the layout you choose works for you. Make sure cabinet doors aren’t opening into entry-way or shower doors. Confirm that you have enough room to move comfortably throughout the space, but also that things are easily reachable in order to function properly.

Storage space. Has anyone ever complained about a room having too much storage? Certainly not in the bathroom. When planning layouts and choosing fixtures, be sure storage is always in mind. Think of how many people will be using the bathroom. You may prefer open and minimalist style fixtures but end up with nowhere to store towels and personal items. Most people prefer privacy in their bathrooms, so at least one area with closed cabinets or drawers is recommended.

Proper ventilation is a must. Not the glamorous or fun side of bathroom remodeling, for sure. But proper ventilation is essential to a functional and enjoyable bathroom. Imagine getting ready in a room full of steam and moisture, or the long term issues – like mold and mildew – that improper ventilation can cause. Consult your contractor and make sure there will be plenty of ventilation for the size of the room. A window can be a great help, but an ventilation system should be used as well for the best protection.

Consider materials carefully. It goes without saying that the bathroom receives the most moisture in your home – between the shower, sink, and toilet. Because of this, the materials used in the bathroom are imperative. Choosing soft or porous materials can lead to distortion, warping, or hidden mold growth. Be sure to choose materials that can stand up to water and harsh chemical cleaners often used in bathrooms.





One Response to “5 Tips for Your Bathroom Remodel”

  • Excellent tips which will help you in the renovation of your bathroom. I’d like to remodel my bathroom someday soon. I appreciate all your suggestions for how to plan your bathroom remodel to make sure it will be something that you love. Thanks for the post.

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